IT Lehre

Studium & Lehre Studiendekanat IT Lehre

IT Lehre

Your contact point for digital teaching and testing at MFHD

The IT Lehre department is responsible for the digitalisation of teaching at the Faculty of Medicine - from the IT infrastructure to e-exams and digital learning opportunities.

News from IT Lehre

Simulations of psychotherapeutic sessions

Therapy sessions were re-enacted and recorded in the Medienwerkstatt studio for a German Research Foundation project. The resulting psychotherapeutic video simulations can be used to train interpersonal skills in contact with patients.

Contact persons

If you have a specific enquiry about e-learning, the media workshop or electronic examinations, you will find the relevant contact person on the corresponding pages. If you have general technical questions, you can contact our central e-mail address - we will forward your enquiry to the person responsible.

Scientific management

Technical management
