Fakultät Akademische… Doctorate Doctorate Dr. sc.…

Doctorate "Doctor scientiarum humanarum" (Dr. sc. hum.)

Here you will find all important information, documents and contact persons for the doctorate "Dr. sc. hum." at the Heidelberg Medical Faculty.

In addition, the following pages provide you with a comprehensive range of information on planning, organizing and completing a doctorate in the humanities at the Heidelberg Medical Faculty.

From the 1st of March 2022 the new doctoral regulations "" came into force (Promotionsordnung der Universität Heidelbergfür die Medizinischen Fakultäten zur Promotionzum Doctor scientiarum humanarum (Dr. sc. hum.) (

Some important changes compared to the previous version are:

- Changes in admission requirements,

- Introduction of a compulsory study program of usually 240 hours including TACs,

- Possibility of a cumulative dissertation under certain conditions,

- University public oral examination.

Regulatory Statutes: Study Program (English)

Regulatory Statutes: Cumulative Dissertation (English)

Doctoral procedure

  1. Admission requirements
  2. Registration
  3. Structured study program
  4. Writing the dissertation
  5. Submission of the dissertation (opening of the doctoral process)
  6. Evaluation procedure & oral examination (Rigorosum)
  7. Certificate & awarding of the doctoral degree
  8. Graduation ceremony & doctoral awards

Contact & consulting

The Office for Doctoral Affairs

The doctoral office is responsible for all procedural issues related to doctoral studies. We offer you advice on questions regarding admission requirements, writing and evaluation of the dissertation as well as other questions conserning doctorates at our faculty. On our pages you will find all important information and documents concerning the doctorates "Dr. med.", "Dr. med. dent." and "Dr. sc. hum." of the Heidelberg Medical Faculty.