Fakultät Akademische… Doctorate Doctorate in med. /…

Doctorate in Dr. med. (dent.)

On the following pages you will find all important information, documents and contact persons regarding the doctoral degrees of Dr. med. or Dr. med. dent. at the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg. 

Promotion procedure

The doctoral thesis represents an autonomous scientific work, which is independent of your studies and must be organized, planned and carried out by yourself. Here you will find information on topics that you should consider and prepare before starting a doctorate: 

  • Decision for or against a doctorate
  • Financing options
  • Search for a topic and supervisor
  • Time scedule
  • Application & trial period
  • Doctoral agreement

The doctoral degree of Dr. med. or Dr. med. dent. is open to graduates of the degree programs in human medicine or dentistry. Students interested in a doctorate who have completed their studies abroad must submit proof of equivalence. Students of human medicine or dentistry can be admitted after passing the first state examination (Physikum).

According to § 5 PromO dissertations are to be submitted with the assignment of a topic. At least 12 months must pass between registration and submission of the dissertation.

Admission to the course-related doctoral procedure according to § 4, (2) PromO is only possible after passing the first section of the medical examination according to AppO or after passing the preliminary dental examination (Physikum) according to ZAppO.

The MEDISS Doctoral Program is a faculty-wide, structured program that is mandatory for all doctoral students working towards the Dr. med. (dent.) degree at the Heidelberg Medical Faculty. It is designed to provide the best possible support for doctoral students and supervisors during the doctoral process and to ensure the quality of medical doctorates.

On the following pages you will find comprehensive information on the structure of the MEDISS doctoral program and the services that must be provided by all doctoral candidates for the title of Dr. med. (dent.) at the Heidelberg Medical Faculty before submitting their dissertation.

The doctoral thesis can be written in German or English. The writing guidelines have to be followed. Under certain conditions, it is possible to submit a cumulative dissertation in addition to a monographic dissertation.

With the submission of your dissertation, your doctoral procedure is opened. Learn more about formal requirements, deadlines and required documents.

The review process of your written work follows a fixed internal procedure and usually takes about 6 months. Under certain circumstances, you will be notified of correction requirements that you must fulfill in order for the procedure to be completed successfully. An oral examination in the form of a disputation is mandatory for all. After the doctoral committee has reviewed your work, you will be notified which examiners will conduct the disputation. You will then have one year to organize your oral examination.

After a positive evaluation of your dissertation, a successful oral examination and completion of the doctoral procedure, you will receive your doctoral certificate. This entitles you to use the doctoral degree you have obtained. The doctoral office organizes a graduation ceremony for you once a year, at which doctoral prizes are also awarded.

Contact & consulting

The Office for Doctoral Affairs

The doctoral office is responsible for all procedural issues related to doctoral studies. We offer you advice on questions regarding admission requirements, writing and evaluation of the dissertation as well as other questions conserning doctorates at our faculty. On our pages you will find all important information and documents concerning the doctorates "Dr. med.", "Dr. med. dent." and "Dr. sc. hum." of the Heidelberg Medical Faculty.



The MEDISS doctoral program prepares you for scientific work with accompanying courses. We advise you on organizational, legal or scientific-ethical problems concerning the doctoral thesis and are also the first point of contact in cases of conflict.

Ansprechpartner in Konfliktfällen

  • MEDISS team: First point of contact in cases of conflict regarding the medical doctoral thesis.
  • Office for Doctoral Affairs: Clarification of problems, if necessary with the help of the chairman of the doctoral committee.


  • Ombudspersons for doctoral candidates at The University of Heidelberg: They see themselves as independent and confidential advisors and mediators to whom both doctoral candidates and supervisors can turn.