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Quality Management
Quality and Information Security Management System
The Ethics Committee of the Heidelberg Medical Faculty is the only ethics committee in the Federal Republic of Germany which has a certified integrated quality and information security management system.
The certification for DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 27001 was undertaken by the Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung von Managementsystemen (DQS).
Our Integrated Management-System is characterized by a process-oriented leadership culture, concerning both the internal department workflows, but also the wishes and expectations of the applicants prior to and during the whole assessment process. The clear structure of the process workflows provides the committee members with more decision-making reliability when rendering advice on complex research projects. Moreover, the qualification of our committee members and employees is ensured by courses for investigators and regular training and advanced training courses.
Last but not least, our system serves the cooperation with the German federal higher authorities, other ethics committees, and the Association of Medical Ethics Committees.
- Studies
- Overview DFG-Projects
- Legal matters
- Data Protection
- Quality Management
- CTIS Management
- IT and Information Security
- Fees
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- About us
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