Bewilligte EU-Projekte der Medizinischen Fakultät Heidelberg
Horizon Europe
ERC Grants
Akronym | Titel | Projektleitung |
ReMVeC | How has the rapid scale up of malaria control in Africa impacted vector competence? | Dr. Victoria Ingham, Zentrum für Infektiologie - Parasitologie |
DrugsAndMemory | How do drug-associated contexts drive behaviour? The role of entorhinal circuitry in addiction | Dr. Magdalene Schlesiger, Klinische Neurobiologie |
FIND-TB | Development and Validation of ‘findtb’, A Novel Digital Tool for Tuberculosis Triage in Children - Using Innovative Methodologies and an Interdisciplinary Approach | Prof. Dr. Claudia Denkinger, Abteilung Infektions- und Tropenmedizin |
CartoHostBug | Functional cartography of intestinal host-microbiome interactions | Prof. Dr. Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Institute for Computational Biomedicine |
PAIN ENSEMBLES | Uncovering the Cortical Cellular Basis of Specificity and Chronicity of Pain | Prof. Dr. Rohini Kuner, Pharmakologisches Institut |
RENOTREAT | Preventing Alport syndrome with a natural amino acid | Prof. Dr. Matias Simons, Institut für Humangenetik |
PlasmoArp | The unusual role of a highly divergent Arp2/3 complex in the mosquito stages of malaria parasites | Dr. Franziska Hentzschel, Zentrum für Infektiologie - Abteilung Parasitologie |
Verbundprojekte - Projektkoordination
Akronym | Titel | Projektleitung |
ARISE-NUTRINT | Reducing nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases in adolescence and youth: interventions and policies to boost nutrition fluency and diet quality in Africa | Prof. Dr. Ina Danquah, Heidelberger Institut für Global Health |
FEAST | Food systems that support transitions to hEalthy And Sustainable dieTs | Dr. Anant Jani, Prof. Dr. Till Bärnighausen, Heidelberger Institut für Global Health |
BreathForDx | Establishing Exhaled Breath Aerosol (XBA) sampling for diagnosis and screening of respiratory infections | Prof. Dr. Claudia Denkinger, Abteilung Infektions- und Tropenmedizin |
TULIP | Community-based engagement and intervenTions to stem the spread of antimicrobial resistance in the aqUatic environments catalysed by cLImate change and Plastic pollution interactions | Prof. Joacim Rocklöv, Climate-Sensitive Infectious Diseases lab |
B-Path | Breath Pathogen Detection (B-Path): Establishing Exhaled Breath Aerosol (XBA) sampling for diagnosis and screening of respiratory infections | Prof. Dr. Claudia Denkinger, Abteilung Infektions- und Tropenmedizin |
CONTAGIO | Cohort Network To be Activated Globally In Outbreaks | PD Dr. Thomas Jänisch, Heidelberger Institut für Global Health |
Verbundprojekte - Projektbeteiligung
Akronym | Titel | Projektleitung |
ADVANCE | Addressing Mental Health Vulnerabilities From Adolescence to Older Age: Innovating Prevention Science for Times of Change | Prof. Dr. Manuela DeAllegri, Heidelberger Institut für Global Health |
CINDERELLA | Clinical Validation of an AI-based approach to improve the shared decision-making process and outcomes in Breast Cancer Patients proposed for Locoregional treatment | Prof. Dr. Jörg Heil, Allgemeine Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe |
DELIVER | Deliberative improvement of oral care quality | Prof. Dr. Stefan Listl, Poliklinik für Zahnerhaltungskunde |
END-VOC | Ending COVID 19 Variants of Concern through Cohort Studies | Prof. Dr. Till Bärnighausen, Heidelberger Institut für Global Health |
HealthyDiets4Africa | Combating Malnutrition in Africa Through Diversification of the Food System | Prof. Dr. Ina Danquah, Heidelberger Institut für Global Health |
IDAlert | Infectious Disease decision-support tools and Alert systems to build climate Resilience to emerging health Threats | Prof. Dr. Till Bärnighausen, Heidelberger Institut für Global Health |
Invest4Health | Mobilising novel finance models for health promotion and disease prevention | Dr. Jani Anant, Heidelberger Institut für Global Health |
PANCAID | PANcreatic CAncer Initial Detection via liquid biopsy | PD Dr. Nathalie Giese, Chirurgische Klinik, Europäisches Pankreszentrum |
PANDASIA | Pandemic literacy and viral zoonotic spillover risk at the frontline of disease emergence in Southeast Asia to improve pandemic preparedness | Prof. Dr. Till Bärnighausen, Heidelberger Institut für Global Health |
PREFERABLE-II | Personalised Exercise-Oncology for improvement of supportive care: a super umbrella trial to demonstrate the (cost)effectiveness of live-remote exercise in cancer survivors | Prof. Dr. Joachim Wiskemann, NCT - Medizinische Onkologie |
Recon4IMD | Reconstruction and Computational Modelling for Inherited Metabolic Diseases | Prof. Dr. Stefan Kölker, Kinderklinik I - Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie, Neuropädiatrie, Stoffwechsel, Gastroenterologie, Nephrologie |
SIMPATHIC | Accelerating drug repurposing for rare neurological, neurometabolic and neuromuscular disorders by exploiting SIMilarities in clinical and molecular PATHology | Prof. Dr. Stefan Kölker, Kinderklinik I - Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie, Neuropädiatrie, Stoffwechsel, Gastroenterologie, Nephrologie |
SMILE | Supporting Mental Health in Young People: Integrated Methodology for cLinical dEcisions and evidence-based interventions | Dr. Gwendolyn Mayer, PD Dr. Jobst-Hendrik Schultz, Innere Medizin II - Klinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin und Psychosomatik |
TheRaCil | Therapies for Renal Ciliopathies | Prof. Dr. Franz Schaefer, Kinderklinik I - Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie, Neuropädiatrie, Stoffwechsel, Gastroenterologie, Nephrologie |
ThermoBreast | An innovative non-contact and harmless screening modality set to change the course of breast cancer detection and patient monitoring | Dr. Michael Golatta, Allgemeine Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe |
VALIDATE | Validation of a Trustworthy AI-based Clinical Decision Support System for Improving Patient Outcome in Acute Stroke Treatment | Prof. Dr. Martin Bendzus, Neurologische Klinik - Neuroradiologie |
CPW | Cancer Prevention at Work (CPW): Occupational health surveillance in the implementation of prevention of infection-related cancer. | Prof. Dr. Michel Wensing, Abteilung Allgemeinmedizin und Versorgungsforschung |
PRIME-ROSE | PRecisIon Cancer MEdicine RepurpOsing SystEm Using Pragmatic Clinical Trials | Prof. Dr. med. Albrecht Stenzinger, Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie |
CUES | Consumers’ Understanding of Eating Sustainably | Dr. Jani Anant, Heidelberger Institut für Global Health |
ARTEMIS | AcceleRating the Translation of virtual twins towards a pErsonalised Management of fatty lIver patients | Prof. Dr. Norbert Frey, Klinik für Kardiologie, Angiologie, Pneumologie |
CARING NATURE | ClimAte neutRal INitiatives for GrowiNg heAlTh and care Unmet REquirements | PD Dr. Andreas Brandl, Klinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie |
SHIELD | Molecular strategies against viral entry and glycan shielding | Dr. Vibor Laketa, Zentrum für Infektiologie - Abteilung Virologie |
AfroGrow | Informed Decicion-Making for Agroforestry Systems in Africa through a Network of Living Labs | Prof. Joacim Rocklöv, Climate-Sensitive Infectious Diseases lab |
ERDERA | EUROPEAN RARE DISEASES RESEARCH ALLIANCE | Prof. Dr. Dirk Grimm, Zentrum für Infektiologie - Abteilung Virologie Prof. Dr. Stefan Kölker, Sektion für Neuropädiatrie und Stoffwechselmedizin Prof. Dr. Franz Schaefer, Sektion Pädiatrische Nephrologie Prof. Dr. Rebecca Schüle, Sektion für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen und Bewegungsstörungen |
Horizon Europe: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Maßnahmen
Akronym | Titel | Projektleitung | Föderlinie |
PoPMeD-SuSDeV | Population Medicine and Sustainable Development: European Opportunities in collaborating with China to improving global health. | Dr. Simiao Chen, Heidelberger Insitut für Global Health | Staff Exchange |
SESAHME | Spatially rEsolved Single-cell Approaches in Haematologic MalignanciEs | Dr. Nina Prokoph, Innere Medizin V - Klinik für Hämatologie, Onkologie und Rheumatologie | Postdoctoral Fellowship |
MMM | Medicine Made to Measure | Prof. Dr. med. Rebecca Schüle, Division of Neurode-generative Diseases | Doctoral Networks |
ThermoSensO | Learning the origins of temperature-sensivity in nervous systems | Prof. Dr. Jan Siemens; Dr. Roberto Monatari, Pharmakologisches Institut | Postdoctoral Fellowships |
FRESCO4NoPain | Frontier RESearch COmpetences for Neuro-modulation and Oscillations in Pain | Prof. Dr. Rohini Kuner, Pharmakologisches Institut | Doctoral Networks |
PICKED | PersonalIzed medicine in Chronic KidnEy Disease | Prof. Dr. Franz Schaefer, Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin | Doctoral Networks |
Sonstige EU-Maßnahmen (außerhalb Horizon Europe)
Akronym | Titel | Projektleitung | Förderlinie |
PCM4EU | Personalised Cancer Medicine for all EU citizens | Prof. Dr. Albrecht Stenzinger, Allgemeine Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie | EU4Health |
PROMISE Elpis | Adapting multidisciplinary response and interagency collaboration to meet the specific needs and requirements arising in the context of child sexual violence online | Prof. Dr. Dr. Georg Friedrich Hoffmann, Kinderklinik I - Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie, Neuropädiatrie, Stoffwechsel, Gastroenterologie, Nephrologie | ISF |
SOLACE | Strengthening the screening of Lung Cancer in Europe | Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Kauczor, Klinik für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie | EU4Health |
ERKNet-2 | European Reference Network for Rare Kidney Diseases | Prof. Dr. Franz Schaefer, Kinderklinik I - Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie, Neuropädiatrie, Stoffwechsel, Gastroenterologie, Nephrologie | EU4Health |
INTERACT-EUROPE 100 | INTERACT-EUROPE 100 | PD Dr. Andreas Brandl, Klinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie | EU4Health |
ERKNet-3 | European Reference Network for rare kidney diseases direct grant proposal 2023-2027 | Prof. Dr. Franz Schaefer, Kinderklinik I - Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie, Neuropädiatrie, Stoffwechsel, Gastroenterologie, Nephrologie | EU4Health |
MetabERN | MetabERN 2023-2027 | Prof. Dr. Stefan Kölker, Kinderklinik I - Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie, Neuropädiatrie, Stoffwechsel, Gastroenterologie, Nephrologie | EU4Health |
REACH-OUT | Closing the immunization gap by reaching zero-dose children through improved equitable and cost-effective vaccine delivery strategies | Prof. Dr. Manuela De Allegri, Heidelberger Institut für Global Health | EDCTP-3 |
JARDIN | Joint Action on integration of ERNs into national healthcare systems | Prof. Dr. Franz Schaefer, Kinderklinik I - Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie, Neuropädiatrie, Stoffwechsel, Gastroenterologie, Nephrologie | EU4Health |
RatHome | Neuartiges System zur Messung von integrierten Tierverhalten und Kognition im Heimkäfig; Teilprojekt: Pilotstudien mit den RatHome Prototypen | Dr. Claudia Pitzer, Interdisciplinary Neurobehavioral Core (INBC) | EUROSTARS |
Horizon 2020
ERC Grants
Akronym | Titel | Projektleiter | Link |
COMBIOSCOPY | Computational Biophotonics for Endoscopic Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy | Prof. Dr. Beat Müller, Dr. Hannes Kenngott, Chirurgische Klinik, Allgemein, Visceral- und Transplantationschirurgie | |
Acclimatize | Hypothalamic Mechanisms of Thermal Homeostasis and Adaptation | Prof. Dr. Jan-Erik Siemens, Institut für Pharmakologie |
RENOPROTECT | Targeting tubular Reabsorption for kidney protection | Dr. Matias Simons, Institut für Humangenetik |
E4I | Improving health services to prevent heart attacks and strokes: Evidence for interventions in large middle-income countries | Dr. Pascal Geldsetzer, Heidelberg Institute of Global Health |
CrispSCNAs | Dissecting the Functional and Therapeutic Impact of Somatic Copy Number Alterations (SCNAs) | Dr. Darjus Tschaharganeh, Institut für Pathologie |
Verbundprojekte - Projektkoordination
Akronym | Titel | Projektleiter | Link |
RECODID | Integrated human data repositories for infectious disease-related international cohorts to foster personalized medicine approaches to infectious disease research | PD Dr. Thomas Jänisch / Prof. Dr. Till Bärnighausen, Institut für Global Health |
WHO-PENatScale | Scaling up the WHO-PEN package for diabetes and hypertension in Swaziland: a nation-wide clusterrandomised evaluation of three strategies in Swaziland | Dr. Jan-Walter DeNeve, Institut für Global Health |
EULAT Eradicate GBC | Establishment and Exploitation of a European-Latin American Research Consortium towards Eradication of Preventable Gallbladder Cancer | Prof. Dr. Justo Lorenzo Bermejo, Institut für Medizinische Biometrie und Informatik |
Verbundprojekte - Projektbeteiligung
Akronym | Titel | Projektleiter | Link | |
MoreGrasp | Restoration of upper limb function in individuals with high spinal cord injury by multimodal neuroprotheses for interaction in daily activities | Dr. Rüdiger Rupp, Department für Orthopädie, Klinik für Paraplegiologie | ||
ADVOCATE | Added Value for Oral Care | PD Dr. Dr. Stefan Listl, Zahnerhaltungskunde |
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NISCI | Antibodies against Nogo-A to enhance plasticity, regeneration and functional recovery after acute spinal cord injury, a multicenter European clinical proof of concept trial | Prof. Dr. Norbert Weidner, Department für Orthopädie, Klinik für Paraplegiologie |
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HEP-CAR | Mechanisms underlying hepatocellular carcinoma pathogenesis and impact of co-morbidities | Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher, Institut für Pathologie |
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MYOCURE | Development of an innovative gene therapy platform to cure rare hereditary muscle disorders | Dr. Dirk Grimm, Zentrum für Infektiologie, Institut für Virologie |
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CoCA | Comorbid Conditions of Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder | Prof. Dr. Meinhard Kieser, Institut für Medizinische Biometrie und Informatik; |
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PROOF | Penumbral Rescue by Normobaric O=O Administration in Patients With Ischaemic Stroke and Target Mismatch ProFile: A Phase II Proof-of-Concept Trial | Dr. Steffen Luntz, Koordinierungszentrum für Klinische Studien, KKS; |
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ZIKAlliance | A global alliance for Zika virus control and prevention | Dr. Thomas Jänisch, Klinische Tropenmedizin; Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager, Molekulare Virologie |
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MESI-STRAT | Systems Medicine of Metabolic-Signaling Networks: A New Concept for Breast Cancer Patient Stratification | PD Dr. Sarah Schott, Frauenklinik |
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RECOVER-E | LaRge-scalE implementation of COmmunity based mental health care for people with seVere and Enduring mental ill health in EuRopE | Prof. Dr. Michel Wensing, Allgemeinmedizin und Versorgungsforschung |
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TENSION | Efficacy and safety of thrombectomy in stroke with extended lesion and extended time window: a randomized, controlled trial | Prof. Dr. Martin Bendszus, Neuroradiologie / Dr. Steffen Luntz, KKS |
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PRESTIGE-AF | PREvention of STroke in Intracerebral hemorrhaGE survivors with Atrial Fibrillation | Prof. Dr. Walter-Emil Haefeli, Klinische Pharmakologie / Prof. Dr. Peter Ringleb, Neurologie |
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c4c | COllaborative Network for European Clinical Trials For Children | Prof. Dr. Franz Schaefer, Kinderheilkunde I |
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EJP RD | European Joint Programming – Rare Diseases | Prof. Dr. Franz Schaefer, Kinderheilkunde I |
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PREFERABLE | Project on Exercise for Fatigue Eradication in Advanced Breast cancer to improve quality of life | Prof. Dr. Friederike Rosenberger, Medizinische Onkologie |
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EUCANCan | A federated network of aligned and interoperable infrastructures for the homogeneous analysis, management and sharing of genomic oncology data for Personalized Medicine | Jürgen Eils, Health Data Science Unit |
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iPC | individualizedPaediatricCure: Cloud-based virtual-patient models for precision paediatric oncology | Prof. Dr. Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Institut für Computational Biomedicine |
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TransQST | Translational quantitative systems toxicology to improve the understanding of the safety of medicines | Prof. Dr. Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Institut für Computational Biomedicine |
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Guide4You | Personal Guidance Service for Female Victims of Domestic Violence in Crisis Phase | Prof. Dr. Katrin Yen, Rechtsmedizin |
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DISCOvERIE | Development, diagnostic and prevention of gender-related Somatic and mental COmorbitiEs in iRritable bowel Syndrome in Europe | Prof. Dr. Beate Niesler, Molekulare Humangenetik | ||
PRIME | Prevention and Remediation of Insulin Multimorbidity in Europe | Dr. Simone Berkel, Molekulare Humangenetik |
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PerMedCoE |
| Prof. Dr. Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Institut für Computational Biomedicine |
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ICOVID | AI-based chest CT analysis enabling rapid COVID diagnosis and prognosis | Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Kauczor, Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie |
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SHARE-COVID19 | Non-intended health, economic and social effects of the COVID-19 epidemic control decisions: Lessons from SHARE | Prof. Dr. Till Bärnighausen, Institut für Global Health | -- | |
ORCHESTRA | Connecting European Cohorts to Increase Common and Effective Response to SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic | PD Dr. Thomas Jänisch, Institut für Global Health | ||
ARDAT | Accelerating research & innovation for advanced therapy medicinal products | Prof. Dr. Dirk Grimm, Virologie |
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CoCID | Compact Cell-Imaging Device to provide insight into the cellular origins of diseases and to aid in the development of novel therapeutics | Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager, Molekulare Virologie |
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IMMERSE | Implementation research for scaling up and transfer of innovative solutions involving digital tools for people-centred care | Prof. Dr. Michel Wensing, Allgemeinmedizin und Versorgungsforschung; PD Dr. Manuela DeAllegri, Institut für Global Health |
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FORTEe | New interventions for Non-Communicable Diseases | PD Dr. Joachim Wiskemann, Medizinische Onkologie |
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ERICA | Coordination of clinical research activities of the European Reference Networks | Prof. Dr. Franz Schaefer, Kinderheilkunde I |
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DECIDER | Digital diagnostics – developing tools for supporting clinical decisions by integrating various diagnostic data | Prof. Dr. Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Computational Biomedicine | ||
ECRAID-Base | Creation of a European wide sustainable network for harmonised large-scale clinical research studies for infectious diseases | PD Dr. Thomas Jänisch, Institut für Global Health |
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HITRIplus | Integrating Activities for Starting Communities | Prof. Dr. Thomas Haberer, HIT; Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Debus, RadioOnkologie und Strahlenheilkunde |
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MED1stMR | Medical First Responder Training using a Mixed Reality Approach featuring haptic feedback for enhanced realism | Dr. Hannes Kenngott, Chirurgie |
H2020 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen
Akronym | Titel | Instrument | Projektleiter | Link |
ANTIVIRALS | European Training Network on Antiviral Drug Development | MSCA-ITN | Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager, Molekulare Virologie | |
InteractomeMalMot | Interactome of surface proteins important for Plasmodium sporozoite gliding motility | MSCA-EF | Prof. Dr. Friedrich Frischknecht, Dr. Saskia Egarter, Parasitologie | |
RENALTRACT | Development and disease of the renal tract | MSCA-ITN | Prof. Dr. Franz Schäfer, |
CA1 layers | Contribution of distinct pyramidal cell types in hippocampal area CA1 to episodic Memory formation | MSCA-EF | Prof. Dr. Hannah Monyer, Dr. Magdalene Schlesiger, Klinische Neurobiologie |
QriUS | Come and Play Science at European Researchers` Night | MSCA-Night | Unternehmenskommunikation des Universitätsklinikums und der Medizinischen Fakultät |
IMPROVE-PD | Identification and Management of Patients at Risk – Outcome and Vascular Events in Peritoneal Dialysis | MSCA-ITN | Prof. Dr. Claus Peter Schmitt, Kinderheilkunde I |
NotToKill-NotToDie | Unrevealing dry season Plasmodium falciparum replication biology | MSCA-IF-RI | Dr. Richard Thomson-Luque, Parasitologie |
STRATEGY-CKD | System omics to unravel the gut-kidney axis in Chronic Kidney Disease. | MSCA-ITN | Prof. Dr. Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Computational Biomedicine |
HaPpY | Comorbidity of cHronic Pain and mood disorders: breaking the vicious cYcle | MSCA-EJP | Prof. Dr. Rohini Kuner, Pharmakologie |
EVPERS | Extracellular vesicles as a tool to predict drug clearance and improve precision pharmacotherapy | MSCA-IF | Dr. Juan Pablo Rigalli, Klinische Pharmakologie |
Sonstige EU-Maßnahmen (außerhalb HORIZON 2020)
Akronym | Titel | ERA-NET | Projektleiter | Link |
ASAMET | A randomized, 2x2 biomarker prevention Trial of low-dose Aspirin and metformin in colon cancer patients | Transcan | Dr. Dominique Scherer, Medizinische Biometrie und Informatik | |
PREDICT | Personalisierte Prävention von kolorektalen Adenomen durch Verwendung von genetischer Variabilität als Biomarker für Wirksamkeit von und wirkstoffassoziierten Nebenwirkungen durch COX-Hemmer | Transcan | Dr. Dominique Scherer, Medizinische Biometrie und Informatik | |
FOCUS | Biomarkers related to folate-dependent one-carbon metabolism in colorectal cancer recurrence and survival | Transcan | Prof. Dr. Alexis Ulrich, Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie | |
SysVirDrug | Translation systemvirologischer Daten in breitband-antivirale Medikamente | ERASysAPP | Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager, Molekulare Virologie | |
SMART-HaemoCare | Small Antibody Fragment as Alternative Tools in Haemophilia Care | E-Rare | Prof. Dr. Dirk Grimm, Virologie | |
EURO-CDG-2 | A European research network directed towards improving diagnosis and treatment of inborn glycosylation disorders | E-Rare | PD Dr. Christian Thiel, Kinderheilkunde I | |
OxyUC | Einfluss von Hypoxie auf Entzündungsaktivität und Tumorentstehung bei Colitis ulcerosa | ERACoSysMed | Prof. Dr. Martin Schneider, Chirurgie | |
Detectin-HF | Bestimmung der Rolle von klinischen und epigenetischen Risikomerkern in dilatativer Kardiomyopathie und Herzinsuffizienz | ERA-CVD | PD Dr. Benjamin Meder, Innere Medizin III | |
Pers_CHAGAS | Personalisierte Therapie der Chagas-Krankheit durch eine molekulare Charakterisierung von Patienten und Parasiten - EULACH16/T020108 | ERANet-LAC | Prof. Dr. Justo Lorenzo Bermejo, Medizinische Biometrie und Informatik | -- |
NMDAR-PSY | Untersuchung von NMDA-Rezeptor Dysfunktion bei psychotischen, Verhaltens- und motorischen Störungen | Neuron | Prof. Dr. Hannah Monyer, Klinische Neurobiologie | |
iMMunocell | Entwicklung minimal-invasiver Verfahren zur Identifikation von Smouldering Myelom (SMM) Patienten anhand modernster Methoden der Immunphänotypisierung und neuester Sequenzierungstechnologien | Transcan | Prof. Dr. Hartmut Goldschmidt, Innere Medizin V | |
TRANSCALL | Validierung der Auswirkung von genetischen Aberrationen und der genetischen Variation der Patienten bei der Akuten Lymphoblastischen Leukämie im Kindesalter | Transcan | Prof. Dr. Martina Muckenthaler, Kinderheilkunde III | |
ArboFusion | Entwicklung neuer diagnostischer Tests zum Nachweis von Arboviren und deren Anwendung zum Screening von Blutspenden und Patientenproben. Teilvorhaben: Entwicklung von epidemiologischen Modellen und Risikoeinschätzungen. | ERANet-LAC | PD Dr. Thomas Jänisch, Klinische Tropenmedizin | -- |
KARTLE | Inhibition aberranter Kainat-Rezeptoren in Temporallappenepilepsie | Neuron | Prof. Dr. Dirk Grimm, Virologie |
INTERREG-Projekte - Zusammenarbeit zwischen EU-Mitgliedstaaten und benachbarten Nicht-EU-Ländern
Akronym | Titel | Fördermaßnahme | Projektleiter | Link |
RARENET | Ein trinationales Netzwerk für die Lehre, die wissenschaftliche Untersuchung und die Behandlung von komplexen und seltenen Erkrankungen am Oberrhein | INTERREG V Oberrhein | Prof. Dr. Hanns-Martin Lorenz, Innere Medizin V | |
TRIDIAG | Neue Diagnostik-Tools in der TransplantationsmedizinProf. Dr. Caner Süsal, Transplantationsimmunologie | INTERREG V Oberrhein | Prof. Dr. Caner Süsal, Transplantationsimmunologie |
EUROSTARS - Europäische Zusammenarbeit kleiner- und mittelständischer Unternehmen
Akronym | Titel | Projektleiter | Link |
PIRMAH | Photoakustisches Infrarotmikroskop für Automatisierte Histopathologie | Dr. Mark Kriegsmann, Institut für Pathologie | -- |
SEPSIDIA | Entwicklung eines Epigenetik-basierten Bluttests zur Detektion einer Immunsuppression in Patienten | Dr. Florian Uhle, Anaesthesiologie | -- |
3D PRIME | 3D-Druck für Medizinische Aus- und Weiterbildung | Dr. Hannes Kenngott, Chirurgische Klinik | -- |
3D PIVOT | 3D bio-Printing for Insulin producing Vascularised Organs following Tumour resection | Dr. Hannes Kenngott, Chirurgische Klinik | -- |
CornerStone | Künstliche neuronale Netzwerke in der Schlaganfalltherapie Teilprojekt: Klinische Etablierung von künstlichen neuronalen Netzwerken zur Optimierung der Therapie bei Patienten mit Schlaganfall | Prof. Dr. Martin Bendszus, Neuroradiologie | -- |
CONFIRM | Konfimative Neuromodulationschirurgie für die Rehabilitation von | PD Dr. Rüdiger Rupp, Paraplegiologie | -- |
LiverQR | Next Generation gene therapy against hepatocellular carcinoma | Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher, Institut für Pathologie | -- |
Generaldirektion Gesundheit der Europäischen Kommission - DG Santé
Akronym | Titel | Fördermaßnahme | Projektleiter | Link |
ERKNet | European Rare Kidney Disease Reference Network | European Reference Networks ERN | Prof. Dr. Franz Schaefer, Kinderheilkunde | |
MetabERN | European Reference Network on Hereditary Metabolic Diseases | European Reference Networks ERN | Prof. Dr. Stefan Kölker, Kinderheilkunde | |
EuroBloodNet | European Reference Network in Rare Hematological Diseases | European Reference Networks ERN | Prof. Dr. Stefan Schönland, Innere Medizin V | |
ERNLung | European Reference Network Lung | European Reference Networks ERN | Prof. Dr. Michael Kreuter, Thorax-Klinik | |
U-IMD | Unified European Registry for Inherited Metabolic Disorders | European Reference Networks - Registries | Prof. Dr. Stefan Kölker, Kinderheilkunde | -- |
ERK-REG | ERKNet Registry for Rare Kindey Diseases | European Reference Networks - Registries | Prof. Dr. Franz Schaefer, Kinderheilkunde | -- |
Generaldirektion Justiz und Verbraucher - DG Justice and Consumers
Akronym | Titel | Projektleiter | Homepage |
JUSTeU! | Juridical Standards for clinical forensic examination of victims of violence in Europe | Prof. Dr. Kathrin Yen, Rechtsmedizin | |
RiVi | Rights of victims of survived bodily harm: improved accesss to clinical forensic examinations | Prof. Dr. Kathrin Yen, Rechtsmedizin | -- |
7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm 2007-2013
ERC Grants
Akronym | Titel | Projektleiter | Link |
HEPCENT | Molecular Analysis of Hepatitis C Virus Neutralization and Entry For the Development of Novel Antiviral Immunopreventive Strategies | Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager, Department für Infektiologie, Molekulare Virologie |
GABAcellsAndMemory | Linking GABAergic neurones to hippocampal-entorhinal system functions | Prof. Dr. Hannah Monyer, Klinische Neurobiologie |
ParaMotSig | Receptor signalling mediating malaria parasite motility | Dr. Friedrich Frischknecht Department für Infektiologie, Parasitologie |
Pain Plasticity | The molecular and cellular basis of structural plasticity and reorganisation in chronic pain | Prof. Dr. Rohini Kuner, Pharmakologisches Institut | |
THERMOREG | Peripheral and Central Mechanisms of Temperature Detection and Core Body Thermoregulation | Prof. Dr. Jan Siemens, Pharmakologisches Institut |
Verbundprojekte - Projektkoordination
Akronym | Titel | Projektleiter | Link |
QUALMAT | Quality of maternal and prenatal care: bridging the know-do gap | Prof. Dr. Rainer Sauerborn, Public Health |
IDAMS | International Research Consortium on Dengue Risk Assessment, Management, and Surveillance | Dr. Thomas Jänisch Department für Infektiologie, Klinische Tropenmedizin |
BestAgeing | Biomarker Research Alliance for Diagnosing Heart Disease in the Ageing European Population | Prof. Dr. Hugo Katus, Department für Innere Medizin, Innere III |
Eurenomics | European Consortium for High-Throughput Research in Rare Kidney Diseases | Prof. Dr. Franz Schäfer, Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Kinderheilkunde I |
Verbundprojekte - Projektbeteiligung
Avert-It | Advanced Arterial Hypotension Adverse Event prediction through a Novel Bayesian Neural Network | PD Dr. Karl Kiening, Neurochirurgie | |
COPACETIC | COPD Pathology: Addressing Critical gaps | Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Kauczor, Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie | |
PreMalStruct | Structural analysis of the CSA binding interactions involved during pregnancy associated malaria | Prof. Dr. Michael Lanzer, Department für Infektiologie, Parasitologie | |
SPACEBRAIN | Space coding in hippocampo-entorhinal neuronal assemblies | Prof. Dr. Hannah Monyer, Klinische Neurobiologie |
HIV ACE | Targeting assembly of infectious HIV particles | Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Kräusslich, Department für Infektiologie, Virologie | |
TOBI | Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction | Dr. Rüdiger Rupp Orthopädie, Paraplegiologie |
SEYLE | Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe): Promoting health through the prevention of risk-taking and self-destructive behaviours | Prof. Dr. Romuald Brunner, Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin, Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie | |
CASCADE | Cultivated Adult Stem Cells as Alternative for Damaged tissue | PD Dr. Angelika Bierhaus, Department für Innere Medizin, Innere I |
CRIMALDDI | The coordination, rationalisation and integration of antimalarial drug discovery and development initiatives | Prof. Dr. Michael Lanzer, Department für Infektiologie, Parasitologie |
EUHeart | Personalised & Integrated Cardiac Care: Patient-specific Cardiovascular Modelling and Simulation for In Silico Disease - Understanding & Management and for Medical Device Evaluation and Optimization | Dr. Henrik von Tengg-Koblick, Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie |
ULICE | Union of Light-Ion Centres in Europe | Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Debus, RadioOnkologie und Strahlentherapie | |
INFRAVEC | Research capacity for the implementation of genetic control of mosquitoes | Prof. Dr. Michael Lanzer, Department für Infektiologie, Parasitologie |
EVIMALAR | Towards the establishment of a permanent European Virtual Institute dedicated to Malaria Research | Prof. Dr. Michael Lanzer, Department für Infektiologie, Parasitologie | |
INHERITANCE | INtegrated HEart Research In TrANslational genetics of dilated Cardiomyopathies in Europe | Prof. Dr. Hugo Katus, Department für Innere Medizin, Innere III |
ENVISION | European NoVel Imaging Systems for ION therapy | Prof. Dr. Thomas Haberer, Heidelberger Ionenstrahl-Therapiezentrum |
LipiDiDiet | Therapeutic and Preventive Impact of Nutritional Lipids on Neuronal and Cogni-tive Performance in Aging, Alzheimer's disease and Vascular Dementia | Prof. Dr. Johannes Schröder, Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin, Allgemeine Psychiatrie |
ISSC | An integrated surveillance system for infectious disease in rural China: generating evidence for early detection of disease epidemics in resource-poor settings | Prof. Dr. Hengjing Dong, Public Health |
HeartCycle | Compliance and effectiveness in HF and CHD closed-loop management | PD Dr. Lutz Frankenstein, Department für Innere Medizin, Innere III |
WE STAY | Work Toghether to Stop Truancy Among Youth | Prof. Dr. Romuald Brunner, Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin, Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie |
SysPatho | New Algorithms for Host Pathogen Systems Biology | Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager, Department für Infektiologie, Molekulare Virologie |
Silver | Small-molecule Inhibitor Leads Versus emerging and neglected RNA viruses | Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager, Department für Infektiologie, Molekulare Virologie |
GLYCOHIT | Glycomics by High-throughput Integrated Technologies | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kopitz, Pathologie, Molekulare Pathologie | |
MEDIA | The MEtabolic Road to DIAstolic Heart Failure | Prof. Dr. Johannes Backs, Department für Innere Medizin, Innere III |
TICD | Tailored implementation for chronic diseases | Prof. Dr. Joachim Szecsenyi, Allgemeinmedizin und Versorgungsforschung |
SaveMe | A Modular Nanosystems Platform for Advanced Cancer Management: Nano-vehicles; Tumor Targeting and Penetration Agents; Molecular Imaging, Degradome based Therapy | Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Kauczor, Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie; Prof. Dr. Jens Werner, Allgemeine Chirurgie; Prof. Dr. Uwe Haberkorn, Nuklearmedizin |
OPTIMUNISE | Optimising the impact and cost-effectiveness of child health intervention programmes of vaccines and micronutrients in low-income countries | Prof. Dr. Olaf Müller, Public Health | |
HPV-AHEAD | Role of human papillomavirus infection and other co-factors in the aetiology of head and neck cancer in India and Europe | Dr. Gerhard Dyckhoff, Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde |
INTREC | INDEPTH Training and Research Centres of Excellence | Prof. Dr. Heiko Becher, Public Health |
DengueTools | Innovative tools and strategies for surveillance and control of dengue | Prof. Dr. Rainer Sauerborn, Public Health | |
Euro-HYP-1 | A European, multicentre, randomised, phase III, clinical trial of hypothermia plus medical treatment versus best medical treatment alone for acute ischaemic stroke | Prof. Dr. Werner Hacke, Neurologie |
OVER-MyR | Overcoming clinical relapse in multiple myeloma by understanding and targeting the molecular causes of drug resistance | Dr. Dirk Hose, Department für Innere Medizin, Innere V | |
I.D.A.C. | Implant Disposable Antibacterial Coating - A novel Approach to Implant-Related Infections in Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery | Prof. Dr. Gertrud Maria Hänsch, Immunologie | |
SyStemAge | Early warning signals of ageing in human stem cells and age-related disorders - SyStemAge | Prof. Dr. Anthony D. Ho Department für Innere Medizin, Innere V | |
GO4HEALTH | Formulating new Goals for global health, and proposing new Governance for global health that will allow the achievement of these goals | Prof. Dr. Albrecht Jahn, Public Health | |
GAPVAC | Glioma Actively Personalized Vaccine Consortium | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wick, Neuroonkologie | |
VISCERAL | VISual Concept Extraction challenge in RAdioLogy | Prof. Dr. Andre Weber, Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie | |
HydroZones | Bioactivated hierarchical hydrogels as zonal implants for articular cartilage regeneration | Prof. Dr. Wiltrud Richter, Orthopädie, Experimentelle Orthopädie | |
FemNat-CD | Neurobiology and Treatment of Adolescent Female Conduct Disorder: The Central Role of Emotion Processing | Prof. Dr. Sabine Herpertz, Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin, Allgemeine Psychiatrie; Prof. Dr. Meinhard Kieser, Medizinische Biometrie und Informatik; Dr. Steffen Luntz, KKS | |
CF-Matters | Cystic Fibrosis Microbiome-determined Antibiotic Therapy Trial in Exacerbations: Results Stratified | Prof. Dr. Marcus Mall, Translationale Pneumologie Zentrum für Translationale Lungenforschung | |
IACT | Immunostimulatory Agonist antibodies for Cancer Therapy | Prof. Dr. Markus Büchler, Chirurgie, Allgemein-, Viszeral- & Transplantationschirurgie | - |
SmArteR | Small Artery Remodelling | Prof. Dr. Markus Hecker, Physiologie und Pathophysiologie | - |
ncRNAPain | Non-coding RNAs in neurogenic and neuropathic pain mechanisms and their application for risk assessment, patient stratification and personalised pain medicine | Prof. Dr. Rohini Kuner, Pharmakologisches Institut | |
CENTER-TBI | Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in TBI | Prof. Dr. Oliver Sakowitz, Neurochirurgie | |
INTELLIPOOL | Intelligent control of swimming pool disinfection with reduction and treatment of harmful by products | PD Dr. Lothar Erdinger, Department für Infektiologie, Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene | - |
Marie Curie-Maßnahmen
Akronym | Titel | Instrument | Projektleiter | Link |
PARTNER | Particle Training Network for European Radiotherapy | Initial Training Network | Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Debus, RadioOnkologie und Strahlentherapie | |
InterMalTraining | Intervention strategies against malaria | Initial Training Network | Prof. Dr. Michael Lanzer, Department für Infektiologie, Parasitologie | |
SmART | Small Artery Remodelling | Initial Training Network | Prof. Dr. Markus Hecker, Physiologie und Pathophysiologie | |
Brain Train | BrainTrain: Integrative Neuroscience school on Brain Function and Disease | Initial Training Network | Prof. Dr. Thomas Kuner, Anatomie und Zellbiologie |
Axon Regeneration | Regeneration and Target Reinnervation after Spinal Cord Injury | Reintegration Grant | Prof. Dr. Armin Blesch, Orthopädie, Paraplegiologie | - |
| Research Training in 3D Digital Imaging for Cancer Radiation Therapy | Initial Training Network | Prof. Dr. Thomas Haberer, Heidelberger Ionenstrahl-Therapiezentrum | |
| Towards an Embodied Science of InterSubjectivity | Initial Training Network – Projekt-koordination | Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Fuchs, Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin, Allgemeine Psychiatrie | |
EUVIRNA | European Training Network on (+)RNA Virus Replication and Antiviral Drug Development | Initial Training Network - Koordination | Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager, Department für Infektiologie, Molekulare Virologie | |
| T Helper cell lineages and their Cytokines in Autoimmune Skin Disease | Reintegration Grant | Dr. Eva Hadaschik, Hautklinik | - |
OZMALNET | Towards the establishment of a framework in Malaria between the AMRN and EVIMALAR | IRSES | Prof. Dr. Michael Lanzer, Department für Infektiologie, Parasitologie | |
ProCaRe | Impact of Proteasome Subpopulations on Cardiac Remodeling | Career Integration Grant | Dr. Oliver Drews, Physiologie und Pathophysiologie | - |
EuTRIPD | European Training and Research in Peritoneal Dyalisis | Initial Training Network | Prof. Dr. Claus Peter Schmitt, Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Kinderheilkunde I | |
GLYCOPHARM | The Sugar Code: from (bio)chemical concept to clinics | Initial Training Network | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kopitz, Pathologie, Molekulare Pathologie |
IIIECs | Spatio-temporal regualtion of viral-included innate immune response in intestinal epithelial cells | Career Integration Grant | Dr. Steve Boulant, Department für Infektiologie, Virologie | - |
SmArteR | Small Artery Remodelling | Initial Training Network | Prof. Dr. Markus Hecker, Physiologie und Pathophysiologie |
Sonstige EU-Maßnahmen (außerhalb FP7)
Akronym | Titel | Fördermaßnahme | Projektleiter | Link |
- | Evaluation of population newborn screening practices for rare disorders in Member States of the European Union | Aktionsprogramm öffentliche Gesundheit | Prof. Dr. Georg Hoffmann, Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Kinderheilkunde I | - |
E-IMD | European registry and network for Intoxication type Metabolic Diseases | Aktionsprogramm öffentliche Gesundheit | Prof. Dr. Stefan Kölker, Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Kinderheilkunde I | |
PRO-YOUTH | Promotion of young people's mental health through technology-enhanced personalization of care | Aktionsprogramm öffentliche Gesundheit | Dr. Stefanie Bauer, Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin, Psychosomatische Kooperationsforschung und Familientherapie, FOST | |
nEUroped | European Network of Reference for Rare Pediatric Neurological Diseases | Aktionsprogramm öffentliche Gesundheit | Dr. Cornelia Bussmann, Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Kinderheilkunde I | |
E-HOD | European registry and network and HOmocystinuria and related Disorders | Aktionsprogramm öffentliche Gesundheit | Prof. Dr. Stefan Kölker, Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Kinderheilkunde I | |
NPDR | An EU rare diseases registry for Niemann-Pick-Disease type A, B and C | Aktionsprogramm öffentliche Gesundheit | Dr. Heiko Runz, Humangenetik | - |
REBOUND | Resilience-based drug education. A European Model project in media-based and cooperative risk pedagogics | Drug Prevention and Information | Dr. Henrik Jungaberle, Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin, Medizinische Psychologie | |
EQADE | Embedding Quality Assurance in Doctoral Education | TEMPUS IV | Prof. Dr. Hans-Günter Sonntag, Department für Infektiologie, Hygiene und Mikrobiologie | |
LBBR | Lupus BioBank des OberRhein | Interreg IV Oberrhein | Prof. Dr. Hanns-Martin Lorenz, Department für Innere Medizin, Innere V | - |
FilmenReg | Oberrhein im Gebrauchsfilm: Projektionen von Erinnerung, Geschichte und Identitäten 1900-1970 | Interreg IV Oberrhein | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Eckart, Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin | - |
- | Manifestationen seltener Krankheiten im Mund- und Zahnbereich: Aussichten für Diagnose und Therapie | Interreg IV Oberrhein | Dr. Anna Wolff, Zahnerhaltungskunde; PD Dr. Dr. Ute Moog, Humangenetik | - |
- | Genetische Mechanismen kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen | Interreg IV Oberrhein | Dr. Heiko Runz, Humangenetik | - |
ENTIRE | European Network for Translational Immunology Research and Education: From immunomonitoring to personalized immunotherapy | COST | Dr. Thomas Giese, Immunologie | |
GENIEUR | The Genes in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Research Network Europe | COST | PD Dr. Beate Niesler, Humangenetik | |
EHMA-IRON | Towards improved diagnosis and treatment of rare inherited microcytic hypochromic anemias related to iron metabolism | ERA-Net E-Rare | Prof. Dr. Martina Muckenthaler, Department für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Kinderheilkunde III | - |
EURO-CDG | A European research network for systematic approach to CDG and related diseases | ERA-Net E-Rare | Prof. Dr. Christian Körner, Department für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Kinderheilkunde I | - |
TRANSCALL | Validation of the impact of genetic aberrations and host genetic variation in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia for integration into clinical practice | ERA-Net Transcan | Prof. Dr. Martina Muckenthaler, Department für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Kinderheilkunde III | - |
VALPRAXIN | Validation of Aprataxin as a biomarker of response to Topisomerase I inhibitors in cancer patients | ERA-Net Transcan | Dr. Matthias Kloor, Pathologie | - |