Institute Anatomie und… Abteilungen Neuroanatomie Osama Hamadelseed

Neuroanatomie - Osama Hamadelseed

Research summary

I have recently conducted research on Down syndrome, specifically investigating the
neuroanatomy and neuropsychology of individuals with this condition. I am trying by
understanding of the neuroanatomical and neuropsychological aspects of Down syndrome
to offer potential solutions to language and behavioral challenges faced by individuals with
Down syndrome.
My recent research project aims to develop a stem cell model for Alzheimer's disease and
also other related neurodegennerative diseases using cerebral organoids derived from
individuals with Down syndrome. Specifically I will try to understand the cellular and
molecular mechanisms which are disrupted in Down syndrome in association with
Alzheimer's disease, including neuron-specific Aβ peptide production, Aβ42 aggregate
formation, altered Tau protein phosphorylation, localization, and cell death.
Also I am interested in developing 3D models of brain organoids to understand neuronal development
and pathology in Down syndrome related to Alzheimer's disease trying to understand the
mechanisms leading to the early onset of dementia in Down syndrome by studying
associated genes as BACE2 and its role as an antiamyloidegnic factor and Alzheimer's
disease suppressor gene also the inhibition of the BACE1 & BACE2-driven β- and γ-
secretases activities. This project will help to identify therapeutic targets and screening
drugs to prevent early changes associated with Alzheimer's disease in DS by investigating
mechanisms of inhibition of BACE1 and BACE2 and studying the role of APP.


Hamadelseed O, Skutella T. Correlating MRI-based brain volumetry and cognitive
assessment in people with Down syndrome. Brain Behav. 2023 Jul 26:e3186. doi:
10.1002/brb3.3186. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37496380.
Hamadelseed O, Chan MKS, Wong MBF and Skutella T (2023) Distinct neuroanatomical
and neuropsychological features of Down syndrome compared to related
neurodevelopmental disorders: a systematic review. Front. Neurosci. 17:1225228. doi:
Hamadelseed, O., Elkhidir, I.H. & Skutella, T. Psychosocial Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s
Disease in Patients with Down Syndrome and Their Association with Brain Changes:
A Narrative Review. Neurol Ther (2022).
● Pereira, H.R., Barzegar, M., Hamadelseed, O. et al. 3D surgical planning of pediatric
tumors: a review. Int J CARS (2022).