Fakultät Akademische… Doctorate Doctorate in med. /… Doctoral Procedure (The… Dates and…

Dates and deadlines

Meeting dates of the doctoral committee for Dr. med. (dent.)

  • Thu, 18.04.2024
  • Thu, 20.06.2024
  • Thu, 25.07.2024
  • Thu, 24.10.2024
  • Thu, 05.12.2024
  • Thu, 13.02.2025
  • Thu, 10.04.2025
  • Thu, 05.06.2025
  • Thu, 24.07.2025 
  • Thu, 23.10.2025
  • Thu, 04.12.2025
  • Thu, 12.02.2026

Submission deadlines

You may submit your registration materials as well as your dissertation by mail at any time.

If you want to submit specifically to a particular session:

  • Registration as doctoral candidate: The application for acceptance as doctoral candidate including documents must be submitted in full at least 4 weeks before the corresponding session.
  • Submission of the dissertation: The dissertation together with documents and incl. initial review (!) must be submitted 3 weeks before the corresponding session.
  • Resubmissions: Resubmissions to the doctoral committee (corrections, statements, etc.) must be received by the doctoral office at least 3 weeks before the meeting.

Doctoral ceremony

The ceremonial presentation of doctoral certificates takes place once a year (approx. mid-July), on Saturday mornings in the New Assembly Hall (10:30 a.m. to approx. 1 p.m.).

Next ceremony: July 13, 2024

For the current celebration, all doctoral candidates who have completed their doctoral studies by May 31 of each year are invited.