- We provide a state-of-the-art in vivo facility and assistance for the entire neuroscience community.
- Excellence in rodent behavioral studies and dedication to service
- We strive for high quality standards in animal experiments, especially in behavioural studies and surgical manipulations in compliance with all EU regulations for animal protection and with the constant consideration of the 3Rs .
- We facilitate collaborative projects between fundamental scientists and clinical researchers
- We are very involved in the actual thematic of quality assurance in core facilities and in developing quality standards in animal studies. We recently received funding from BMBF (Q-CoFa Quality in Core Facilities) to analyze the quality at the interface between core facilities and research units and develop recommendations(www.quality-in-core-facilities.org) for quality assurance in core facilities.
- The INBC coordinator is a stakeholder in the EQIPD project (European Quality in Preclinical Data), which establishes guidelines to strengthen the robustness, rigor and validity of research data. We are following their recommendations to further improve research quality at our facility.