Institute Physiologie und… Neuro- und… Alexander Groh Research Cortico-subcortical…

Cortico-subcortical functions in sensori-motor transformations

Corticocollicular pathways

The superior colliculus (SC) is best known for its sensory-motor functions e.g. orienting behaviours towards or away from important sensory stimuli. Orienting behaviours of the SC are thought to be driven primarily in a reflexive manner via short SC sensori-motor loops, however SC receives substantial input from cortical areas, which could serve to adaptively modulate reflexive behaviours. In this DFG funded project, we study the input and output pathways of the tactile and motor SC and study the role of these pathways in somatosensory-motor transformations and the cortical modulation of reflexive behaviours.


Jesus Martin-Cortecero
Emilio Isaias
Berin Boztepe

Corticothalamic long-term plasticity

In thalamocortical loops, corticothalamic (CT) pathways are largely viewed to provide fast and dynamic control of sensory signalling in the thalamus. Past work, including from our team has revealed CT functions that act on relatively short time scales, such as dynamic sculpting of thalamic receptive fields or ad-hoc toggling between thalamic processing modes. In an ongoing study in the mouse whisker system, we observed that CT activity can also have long-lasting effects on how sensory signals are processed in thalamocortical loops. Here we aim to 1.) elucidate the circuit mechanisms underlying CT long-term plasticity and 2.) address the question which consequences arise from CT long-term plasticity in the context of thalamocortical loops and sensory-guided behaviour.


Jesus Martin-Cortecero
Emilio Isaias